In order to celebrate the World Environmental Day, the first Climantica Conference was held on the 5th of June at Fernando Blanco’s Secondary School in Cee.
In this Conference, the Director General for Sustainable Development and Climantica’s Director gave a lecture in the assembly hall. Following the lecture, students could get some information on causes and effects of climate change in the thematic stands set up for this purpose. Some students, who were trained during three days by the Climantica expert responsible for school activities, were in charge of explaining all those issues to their schoolmates by means of experiments.
During the break, students could enjoy the performances of magicians, acrobats and jugglers. The World Environmental Day celebration was closed with the Climantopia show in which music, magic and multimedia reinforced the Environmental education messages delivered by some tales and songs. The purpose of this activity was to test this scheme so that it can be exported to other pilot schools involved and interested in the Climantica project.
Climántica presented the project called Climántica Careers at the Orienta Forum 08 which was held at IFEVI in Vigo from the 8th to the 13th April 2008. A group of four Climantica academic counselor who had been previously trained by R&D and occupational training experts took part in this initiative in order to guide students on research and professionalization scenarios opened in mitigation and adaptation to fight against climate change. A brochure containing information on the main vocational training areas was produced. In addition some workshops on “building a solar oven” and “Climate Change” were developed.
New: Yo can watch a video in Climántica TV.
The students awarded the first Cimantica prizes enjoyed an Enviromental Education stage from 31 October to 4 November 2007, in which they performed several environamental education activities: routes into a native forest ("fraga"), orientation games, theatre centred on climate change, a visit to Sotavento in order to study clean energies, workshops on solar ovens, waste management, tree identification and so on. In addition, they played some games and sports such as canoeing along the Ares estuary.