The UN’s Special Envoy for Climate Change, president of Democracy and Development Foundation and former President of Chile, Mr. Ricardo Lagos, having carefully analysed Climantica project, has officially acknowledged the relevance of Climantica as an educational project and has therefore recommended it for this purpose. The support of the UN’s Special Envoy for Climate Change has been officially communicated on the 14th April to the Director-General for Sustainability and Landscape of the Xunta de Galicia.
The first time the UN showed interest in Climantica was when the Geneva branch of this institution requested a report on this project. Having submitted this report, the Xunta the Galicia presented it at New York’s headquarters on the 2nd June 2008. Later on, it was presented as a ‘good practice’ project for Spain at the Spanish Office for Climate Change’s proposal during the European Seminar of United Nations that took place in Stockholm in May 2009.
The first time the UN showed interest in Climantica was when the Geneva branch of this institution requested a report on this project. Having submitted this report, the Xunta the Galicia presented it at New York’s headquarters on the 2nd June 2008. Later on, it was presented as a ‘good practice’ project for Spain at the Spanish Office for Climate Change’s proposal during the European Seminar of United Nations that took place in Stockholm in May 2009.